### Zir ### Arabic (Fremen) Dragonborn of the desert. Civilized, not nomadic. Constantly warring against the Yuan-ti to the east, and the Thri-kreen to the west (off the map) Capital city: Ziris, the Glass City, the Shining Star of the Sand. Literally made of stone and glass. The dragonborn fashion glass weapons and armor using their fire-breath. Dragon-glass, also known as Zirathnian Steel is light and strong, durable and also readily accepts enchantment! A democracy where only and all wizards can vote, the Grand Vizir is elected by the Council of Seven, the leading wizards from each school of magic (minus Necromancy, because what?). Currently S’vaaj, the Snake-eater, so called because of his string of military victories against the snake-men. Technologically more advanced than the Northern Sanction, the Men of Zir fashion elaborate clocks and time-pieces (not clockwork magic) they have accurate maps of the stars, and their procession though the sky. The calendar of Collabris is the Zirathian Year. Their mathematics are far in advance of any other culture in Collabris, and have advanced approximation and estimation, on the cusp of discovering calculus. Their nation is bound by the Glittering Way, a network of glass roads connecting their cities, travelled along by chariot pulled by the Elkiz, large flightless desert bird. But in the deep desert, the mor primitive, older, classical dragonborn civilization still use the wind-powered sand-skiffs. .. NOTE: Matt's enthusiasm for giant salamanders has been toned down here The knights of Zir are renowned (and feared) for the giant salamanders they ride into battle.